I realise every day how much more we control our reality. As much as we are entering lockdown 2.0, in many ways, I think that we have another opportunity to see how our thoughts and mindset play such an essential part in the way our life pans out. 

The fact that we are in this situation of lockdown might not be within our control, as so many things are in the five sensory (the external or physical world we live in). However, the way we think =, the things we choose to focus our energy and attention on are very much still within our control. 

The most important tools we have (our richest tools) are the ones that came to us for free. Our minds, our bodies, and our souls. I know this might sound esoteric to many people, but it’s true. 

Most people want to be rich and would define rich as having a lot of money. However, I believe someone who is truly rich is someone who is happy; they are working towards their purpose; they are living in a state of bliss. They love every aspect of their life. They want the best for everyone around them. They are benevolent and omnipresent. 

Of course, I will not be a delusion and say that money doesn’t help produce a lot of good as I believe it is used as a measure of the value you put out. However, I will say that to be rich goes well beyond monetary terms. To be rich can only come from within. It’s a state of being and that state of being doesn’t rely on materialism.

As we are getting ready to enter the second lockdown, I see such an opportunity. It’s time to change the routine; it’s time to learn something new, focus on areas that you want to improve and become better than you were yesterday. 

I am optimistic; I know that I have the chance to work on myself and to continue my journey of growth. Physically, mentally, emotionally. 

Become unshakeable. 

I often think back to my time in Bali during 2019. I remember feeling in such a great state during this time. I didn’t have material possessions. I was incredibly present; I felt super connected to people, to earth; each day, I would admire how beautiful the sunrise and sunset was. I would have so much gratitude towards all the friendly and happy people. It was beyond extraordinary, and I promised myself to remain in this state of happiness and gratitude. We live in such a magnificent physical world and the only thing that can bring us down is our own state of being. 

Embrace the time you have to spend working on your inner self over this lockdown. Become the best version of yourself. Version 2.0.