Morning Routine
There’s a big hype around having a morning routine at the moment and to be totally honest I love it! Early mornings have always been my favouirte time of day and I find combining this with a morning routine sets me up for a successful and productive day. It doesn’t have to be a long routine and can take as little as 5 or 10min and there is nothing set in stone around what you have to do, but I think having a morning routine that leaves you feeling refreshed, energetic and optimistic is essential.
So what’s my routine?
My routine usually lasts around 30min and consists of waking/ getting between 5-6am (I am naturally a very early riser an never use an alarm). I usually find I have a lot of energy in the morning and can pretty much leap straight out of bed and crack on with my day.
After getting up, the first part of my routine comprises of making a strong black coffee (not only do I love the taste of coffee, I enjoy the caffine hit first thing in the morning. I usually have a nespresso coffee or French press depending on what I fancy.) Coffee in hand, I like to get my favourite music playing (I have a very random selection of songs I listen too and they help me get into an excellent mood.) I then check my schedule and emails and write my to do list. With my to do list I like to prioritise the most important tasks to complete first. This helps me get everything completed on time and efficiently.
The last part of my morning routine involves watching or reading something motivational or inspirational. I find this put me into a fantastic frame of mind, setting me up, so I can fly through the day!
As you can see its relatively short, I enjoy every aspect of it and I think thats really important as there is nothing worse than waking up to something you dread doing. I find at the end of my morning routine, I have a clear vision of what I need to achieve with my day.