I’ve now been training at The Athlete Centre in Oxford for 5 weeks and I finally feel like all areas of my training are improving and I feel I am getting stronger!  My technique is getting better or at least a little more consistent and I really do love training there.

It was strange when I first started training properly again after I had had a couple of months of non-existence or very unstructured training( this never normally happens with me !) . However the circumstances were pretty exceptional with a lot of change happening (finishing uni, moving to quite a few different places, going on holiday).

Anyway I am so glad to be back in the full swing of things now. I have routine and some kind of order in my life and more importantly I feel I can now set specific training goals and look to start competing in competitions.

I have had a lot of people ask me whether I would be able to train them and whilst you can currently follow along with my Vlogging fitness challenge and email me any questions you have. I am finally in the wonderful position to announce that in a couple of month’s time I will be a fully qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer. I will then be able to offer Personal training sessions, tailor made training and diet programs and I will be able to deliver group exercise classes for you guys too.

I feel so excited about everything that’s happening at the moment and really can’t wait to achieve my own fitness goals and help you guys achieve yours too!