I have mentioned routine in several blog posts now, that’s honestly because I believe its so beneficial to have one. I find especially in the morning. It helps me have the best and most productive day.

I wont go into too much detail on my routine in this post, however I find that when I have a set structure of things that I do in the day, for example at 8am get to a coffee shop and start working and then 10am go to the gym, everything flows. It’s kind of like a natural progression of things you do throughout your day. One task leads to the next, if this makes sense.

Now if you haven’t gaged by now, I am a highly motivated and very ambitious. I set my expectations high and like to get things done as efficiently. One of my main priorities is to eliminate wasting time on pointless things. One of the ways I make sure I can do this is by time blocking. This means that for each task I need to complete, I have an allocated time block in my schedule. This gives me a deadline/ window to complete the specific task. If for any reason I can’t get that task completed or I start to go off track; at the end of my day I always like to reflect and during this reflection time, I can look at what has stopped me getting the task completed and how I can work on this area for the following day.

Another thing I like to do, is to get my most difficult tasks completed first thing in the morning. This is usually when I have the most brainpower (with my morning coffee, of course) and once these tasks are completed, its gives me a sense of satisfaction. This ‘satisfaction’ or ‘small win’ motivates me to move onto the next task and I find when I have several small wins early in my day, it helps me stay positive and motivated for the rest of the day.

I know a lot of people may think that my routine is too rigid; I would disagree. I absolutely love every aspect of it. I have trained myself to do certain tasks in a specific order. Some of these tasks I may not have liked at the beginning; but through persisting with them, I have learned to like or love them.

I have to say life isn’t all about productivity, however when I can set up my day, so I know all the tasks I really need to get done are completed by 2pm, it means I have the rest of the day to do exactly what I like.

The key is to have a schedule, time block and get things done!