Wow! what can I say, if you told me I was ever going to be enjoying tucking into an insect bar I think you would very surprised and to be honest I think I would have been too! I couldn’t pass by on the opportunity to try these unusal bars from Christine Spliid from Crobar especially as they are packed with so many nutrients, have no added sugar, are gluten and diary free and of course high in protein and full of antioxidants!

I am pretty sure they are going to be the direction food goes in the future.

I read an article just yesterday saying that if everyone in the world ate the diet of us Brits in UK, we would need at least 3 more planets to sustain our dietary needs.

This is just crazy and really quite gross….

Our global population is rapidly growing (the UK is predicted to have a population of 77million by 2050) so a change in the way we eat is going to be inevitable and really is the only way forward to provide an environmentally sustainable future.

So indulging on insects is not only a brilliant source of protein and nutrients but it could also really ease future food insecurity’s.

So what did they taste like, I guess is the next question in your mind….

I can confirm they were actually rather nice.

I was sent 4 Crobars, 2 peanut butter cricket bars and 2 cocoa cricket bars

The cocoa cricket flour bar was very chocolatly and not too sweet, I really enjoyed the crunchy texture that I think came from the nuts and seeds (not from the crickets, don’t worry!) and there was a lovely tangy flavor from the cranberries and goji berries.

I was so excited to try the peanut cricket flour bar as I think I have an addiction to peanuty things at the moment especially PEANUT BUTTER and with 7.6 grams protein, high in vitamin E and tasting quite frankly peanutty, it didn’t disappoint. Again it had a lovely crunchy texture from the peanuts and sunflower seeds and wasn’t too sweet.

So they felt like quite a substantial snack and definitely great for before of after a workout.

And I really wouldn’t have guessed that cricket was present in the bars by any means!

They are sustainable high in protein, tasty, natural and healthy so I really would recommend trying these bars and could see them becoming ‘the bar’ for healthy foodies, gym goers, snackers and environmentalists.

Get your Crobar @