
Committed people make things happen- they don’t say they are 100% committed and then fail to take action. They don;t make excuses, instead they create solutions and see opportunity. The most common excuse with commitment is money. If you really say you are 100% committed, I can tell you now, money will not be an [...]


Month 1 intermittent Fasting 16:8 diet

I am not going to lie to you guys, this month of intermittent fasting has been very inconsistent. As I said in my last post, it is not a difficult diet to follow if you have a consistent daily pattern. This is because the majority of the fasting can be done over night and then [...]

Month 1 intermittent Fasting 16:8 diet2019-02-09T01:53:13+00:00

Back in Oxford

I have now been back in Oxford for just half a day, I arrived and moved into Oxford yesterday evening and its now 8.30am Thursday morning. I am in such a good mood at the moment. So far I have trained, journallled, seen so many of my favorite people at the gym and responded to [...]

Back in Oxford2018-11-29T10:33:14+00:00
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