I’ve been a little slack on the supplement fact files these last couple of weeks. I promise, it hasn’t been on purpose, I have just been extremely busy with everything and so they kind of got put on the back burner for a while. Anyway its time to get back onto them!
And actually now is a pretty good time.
I’m not sure if you remember, but about 2 months ago, I decided I was going to do a summer shred.
I started off quite well with this, however a couple of weeks into it, I decided that it wasn’t going to be the right time to cut. I had been thinking about competing in a fitess model competition for a long time and so had been looking for competitions towards the end of the summer. As I am naturally quite lean without tracking and cutting down on calorie intake, I decided to abandon the shred and wait until 8 weeks before the competition to start.
You guessed it, I am now 8 weeks away.
I am really looking forward to starting the process and seeing the transformation in the weeks ahead.
To begin with, I am on a plan of 5 days a week of weights training and 2 days of 45min cardio.
I am going to be consuming 4 meals a day and 3 snacks a day and then closer to the comp I will be just tracking macros and calorie intake.
The second bit of news is, I am going to be starting a youtube channel . I will still be blogging, however, I find myself watching more video blogs instead of reading blogs now.
The youtube channel will basically be about anything health and fitness related, my lifestyle and of course the next 8 weeks. It would be great to hear from you guys if you have anything specific that you want me to talk about too!
Suggested ideas:
My grocery shop
Training product recommendations
Training sessions
Flexiblity and handstand training
Meal prep
Morning/ nighttime routine
Life of a Personal trainer
The list goes on, just let me know what you want to hear about and subscribe to 😀
The last bit of news is I am heading back to Bali again with my bestie! I really can’t get enough of this country. This isn’t until mid September, after my comp, but this time, I will let you in on all my favourite things to do and places to go in Bali. All this will all be posted on my youtube channel so please subscribe and follow my journey.