Goal setting for me one of the most important things in life; knowing that I am living a fulfilling life and a life that’s full of lots of exciting challenges. As a health and fitness blogger, I have to admit my favorite type of challenge is usually fitness related, hence the reason, I have recently signed up for this fitness model competition(Picture above is my condition 2.5 weeks out from comp). But I know after this finished I will need another challenge. Maybe it will be another fitness model comp. Maybe it will be something a little different like competing in Crossfit or climbing a mountain.
I think as much as it’s nice to just amble through life, sometimes for me its not enough. I often feel a sense of relief from finishing the previous challenge this relief lasts about a day, then unless I have something else in the pipeline pretty soon after, I get bored.
And I think there is nothing worse than being bored. Give yourself a sense of purpose.
Goal setting doesn’t just have to be for the long term, don’t get me wrong, its brilliant to set a challenge that will require a lot of hard work and effort and may take a year or years to achieve. But I think it’s just as important to set yourself goals that are more immediate (shorter term) as well. With longer term goals, its so easy to lose sight of what it is you are trying to achieve. Short term goals help you to stay on track and feeling motivated and can be steps that will lead you to achieving that long term goal.
My Top tips, I would suggest setting 3 SMART short term goals (something that can be achieved in 1-4 weeks time). 3 SMART medium term goals (something that can be achieved in 1-3months time and 1 SMART long-term goal.
So what does SMART stand for ?
The acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition of goal setting:
S – specific
M – measurable
A -attainable
R – realistic
T – time-based
- Well defined
- Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project
- Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is
- Find out when you have achieved your goal
- Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be
- Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time
- Enough time to achieve the goal
- Not too much time, which can affect project performance
These goals will give something to work towards, a sense of purpose and provide you with direction in your life. They will keep you motivated and driven towards your own personal journey and give you satisfaction, knowing you achieving what you set out to do.
“A goal without a plan is only a dream” so use the SMART target structure to turn your dreams into realistic goals !
It’s your time to achieve.