I’ve been back in Oxford, nearly a week now and I’ve pretty much loved ever minute!

Being lucky enough to see so many of my friends and hear how well everyone is doing, whilst working online, learning and training hard, living my dream. I think one of the most important things when you work in the health and fitness industry is to practice what you preach.

For me, everyday seems like a new opportunity to grow, develop and work on all aspects of my life. The saying goes ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first’. That’s exactly what I am doing and want to help you to do too.

I have surrounded myself with so many positive and motivational people over the last 4 months and to keep moving forwards, I can now see how important these connections are and will be in my journey going forwards.

I have also just made plans to go back to Chiang Mai for a couple of months in Jan as I have some incredibly excited things to work on with my online business whilst there. And some awesome people to collaborate with.

People often say that I am incredibly lucky to be living the life I am. I can tell you it is not luck. It’s a combination of my desire to live this lifestyle combined with the hard work I have put in over the years that have allowed me to travel and start to grow and focus on exactly what I want.

Anyone can do it if they believe and put their mind to it. Ask for help, be curious of how people you look up to are doing the things they are doing and be open minded to learn and develop as a person. I am an incredibly driven and ambitious person, I can see I have such a long way to go in order to reach my vision, but the fact I am going in the right direction excites me, why ? because I am able to fully  appreciate ever aspect of the journey. I have identified and am realizing that the things I am doing on a daily basis are getting me closer to my ambitious goals.

Key points

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you aren’t leading the life you want- make a choice and change it

Create your life so you are living your dream

The hard work you put in now will be 100% worth it.