Since finishing school, I have always wanted to go travelling. It’s 6 years on and I still haven’t been….. yes every year, I have had a couple of weeks away in South east Asia, but not actually done the whole travelling for months on end thing and for someone who has a bit of a travel bug. Now is finally the time to do it ! I have to say in fairness to my parents, I did look extremely young when I had just finished school (18) and so can understand their reluctance to let me jet set. However now 24, I feel like its something that I have got to do.

I like to do things with purpose. As much as I could just travel, sight see and visit as many countries as possible. And this may have been what I would have done if I travelled at the age of 18.

You change. aspirations change, priorities change and what you originally thought you wanted to do can drastically change too. Since graduating university I have built up a successful Personal training business, that I love and managed to help many people reach their training goals. I feel now its time for me to progress and diversify my PT business. My business is my life, its my passion, I love the industry I work in (hence the reason I am not going to give it up!) most importantly, I really do love and owe this to my clients.

Being a personal trainer in a gym is so rewarding and there are many advantages, but there are also disadvantages too. I’m certainly not a negative person so don’t want to dwell on the disadvantages in this post. Instead I will explain the positives of what travelling will allow me to do with my PT business and what I hope to achieve.

Firstly, I want to be able to reach and help as many people as possible along their fitness journeys. Travelling will mean I have the opportunity to meet and connect with so many people. Whether they want to be able to hold a 1arm handstand, increase general strength, achieve weight loss or get into splits, I would love to help them. I want to grow my online coaching so I can help as many people as possible achieve their dreams and goals and make a positive impact on their life!

Secondly I want to learn as much as I can from others and share my knowledge with them too. Around the world there are so many incredible sporting and fitness gurus I would feel honored to meet. “Learning from a teacher who has stopped learning is like drinking from a stagnant pond.” It’s so important to constantly learn and develop especially when you coach others. The fitness industry, is always changing and so to be able to constantly develop is really important to me.

3rdly I will be teaching workshops on handstand training and mobility around the world. This will be such an incredible experience and will be incredibly refreshing to teach in some of the most beautiful places on earth.

So yes I guess to some degree, I am looking to be a digital nomad, working and travelling. But not being based in one place and spending 17hrs a day in a gym will mean I can reach and help more people online and in workshops. And finally practice what I preach about having a good work life balance.

Of course, I do want to do the whole travelling thing as well so getting to work doing what I love and to be able to see some of the greatest places on earth is going to be a dream!

If you are interested in online coaching, I would love to hear from you ! drop me an email to: