About Rosie Burr

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So far Rosie Burr has created 140 blog entries.


Over a week since I’ve been back in the UK. Its great to be back and to see all my lovely friends, clients and family. It’s not so nice to be back to the freezing cold weather. I am now realizing how much this cold weather affects me. I honestly can’t wait until the warmth [...]



Committed people make things happen- they don’t say they are 100% committed and then fail to take action. They don;t make excuses, instead they create solutions and see opportunity. The most common excuse with commitment is money. If you really say you are 100% committed, I can tell you now, money will not be an [...]


6 week count down: Fitness model comp

I now have just over 6 weeks until I compete in my 2nd fitness model comp, it doesn’t seem real that I can live this absolutely incredible life, travelling round the world, staying in beautiful locations, being able to work, pursuing my passion and of course be able to prepare myself for a fitness model [...]

6 week count down: Fitness model comp2019-03-15T00:01:58+00:00


I have mentioned routine in several blog posts now, that’s honestly because I believe its so beneficial to have one. I find especially in the morning. It helps me have the best and most productive day. I wont go into too much detail on my routine in this post, however I find that when I [...]


Fitness Model Prep

Prep Round 2 The last couple of months living in Thailand have been incredible. I am now back in Bali and really looking forwards to another brilliant month, in the warmth by the sea.  I have a lot of work to do, but it honesty doesn’t feel like work when you love what you do [...]

Fitness Model Prep2019-03-01T00:49:57+00:00

Month 3 Diet Experiment

In my last post I talked about why I wasn’t doing the OMAD diet anymore (mainly due to the impact on my training). This obviously changes my 6month experiment a little. Instead, I have decided to move straight to the Plant based diet. Now I have tried this out a couple of times before and [...]

Month 3 Diet Experiment2019-02-21T08:23:25+00:00

Month 1 intermittent Fasting 16:8 diet

I am not going to lie to you guys, this month of intermittent fasting has been very inconsistent. As I said in my last post, it is not a difficult diet to follow if you have a consistent daily pattern. This is because the majority of the fasting can be done over night and then [...]

Month 1 intermittent Fasting 16:8 diet2019-02-09T01:53:13+00:00

Facing your Fears

We all have fears and often those fears hold us back from doing the things that we really want to accomplish. Fears are scary, they are challenging and they demand a lot of energy, from a place that we feel uncomfortable. However overcoming fears- means that we can evolve and grow. We can rise up [...]

Facing your Fears2019-02-02T01:59:50+00:00
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